
DIY Bye-Bye Spider Spray

Posted by Jenny

I need an all natural bug spray because even though I am trying to get back to nature me and bugs don’t mix! I am not ready to embrace them yet. I don’t want to kill them. I want to deter them. By the way, my husband does all the killing of the bugs and spiders. He is the killer! Not me! I have made him leave work and come home to kill a spider. It was huge! And if I see any bug or spider in my home, I will use an entire bottle so that I may rest assured that there are no bugs or spiders coming for revenge! I understand that certain bugs and spiders have a purpose and may help control other pests…but I got something for them all! I ain’t scared…that much! Here’s my easy go-to spray to keep them away!


1 Cup of Water

20 Drops of Peppermint Essential Oil

10 Drops of Lemon Essential Oil


1. Measure and pour your water into a spray bottle (amber glass ones work best) see below.

2. Add your essential oils and shake gently.

3. Say Bye-Bye to spiders and spray around your home.

Love these amber glass spray bottles. When using essential oils it is best to store them in glass containers.

Function of Ingredients

Water acts as our binder and of course most bugs and spiders don’t want to be sprayed with it. Water and oil do not mix so you will have to give it a shake prior to spraying.

Peppermint oil naturally deters bugs and spiders like ants, aphids, beetles, fleas, and lice. They cannot stand it.

Lemon oil is another scent that spiders don’t enjoy. It gives our bug spray an extra kick in the spider butt!

You could just use peppermint oil by itself. I feel that the combination keeps them away longer. The spray should be used as a preventative method and sprayed at least once or twice a month depending on the season and your location. I suggest you spray along your baseboards in every room, window sills, and around doors. Use caution when using essential oils around children and pets.

Ingredients to Avoid/ Check the Label

Popular insecticides contain active ingredients such as Bifenthrin. This ingredient is labeled a possible human carcinogen.

Zeta-cypermethrin is another popular active ingredient that may cause moderate side effects like serious irritation to skin and eyes.

Both ingredients are highly toxic to bees, birds, and aquatic life.

Zeta-cypermethrin is very dangerous for cats.

An all natural bug spray seems to be a happy medium. After all, this spray is made to DETER bugs and spiders so technically I am not killing them.

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