
DIY Homeschool Preschool Classroom

Posted by Jenny

Here is a tour of our DIY Homeschool Preschool Classroom! Say that 10x fast! We turned our breakfast nook into our classroom space. We do have a separate playroom but it has carpet so it is not project friendly. We are all about projects and activities. Someday, I hope to have a nice big space for a combo playroom and classroom with NO CARPET!

This is the best shot I could get with my phone, but I think you get the idea. It’s cozy but has lots of natural light to spark up our minds.

Our local hardware store has these awesome chalkboards for around $10 bucks! The white board was significantly more expensive but you can sometimes find them used. The white board is magnetic and the girls use it for all of their magnets. Yes, I cleaned it up for the picture. Both my 3 year old and 1 year old use the chalk board just about every single day!

My husband and I did a DIY rolling craft cart. If you like it check out my post on it here. In the future, I would love to build one more.

We have a great selection of craft supplies, but if you are looking to get started and need the basics start with:

  1. Construction Paper
  2. Pom Poms
  3. Pipe Cleaners
  4. Popsicle Sticks
  5. Glue
  6. Markers
  7. Crayons
  8. Chalk
  9. Beads
  10. Paint or try my DIY recipe
  11. Googly Eyes
  12. Glitter…if you dare!
  13. Stickers, Stickers, Stickers! Cannot have enough!

We are also incorporating more natural supplies like leaves, flowers, dirt, mud, rocks, sticks, and lots of WATER. My husband built a mud kitchen this summer and that was a big hit! Can’t wait to incorporate some SNOW this winter!

Here are some close-ups of our learning boards.

I have been thinking about adding a language board but I have run out of wall space! So, I think we’re good!

We use our classroom to work on our daily activity boxes and sensory bins. Check out my posts on those!

Activity Boxes
Sensory Bins

We have a relaxed approach to homeschooling. We are also trying child lead learning and it is going smooth! It’s basically what it sounds like. I begin an activity and my daughters continue with it in whatever way they want. And if they move on to something else that’s ok. I feel they have gained more independence and self-confidence. Even though we have a designated area for learning we still want to show our girls that learning is a constant thing. When we are out and about we also learn. We do family field trips, long car rides, and nature walks and hikes.

Lastly, one of the most important reasons why we have a special place for learning is that all the mess can be contained in one area!

Best part of homeschooling is you can change whatever you want including what is NOT working for your family.

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