
DIY Homeschool Preschool November Guide

Posted by Jenny

If you are looking for some ideas on how to organize your homeschool preschool, you have come to the right place. I have done all the hard work for you…kind of.

Here is what our month looks like for November. Every month we have themes. For November, we have Native Americans, Desert, Turkeys, Sports, and Weather. We also plan a few family field trips like a festival of lights, Botanical Garden, and our favorite Petting Zoo. We have a focus for letters, numbers, shapes, colors, patterns, and cutting. We have special days to work with stickers, markers, playdough, crayons, paint, and sensory bins. This takes us anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes a day. We spend the rest of the day playing and reading completely unstructured. I do pick out some books that go along with our themes just for fun. For this month, I have ordered “Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story.” I can’t wait to read it with my girls and make some Native American Fry Bread together. We love to be in the Kitchen! We will be incorporating lots of nature walks until we get some more snow!

I hope you get inspired and start some activities with your kids today! Check back to see all the projects we’ve worked on!

Don’t forget to check out our DIY Homeschool Preschool Classroom!

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