
DIY “No Lotion” Lotion

Posted by Jenny

Ok, so this post is NOT about lotion, per se, but how to stop using it and find a healthier replacement. For the majority of my life I have always slathered lotion on my body after every shower. And not just any lotion! Expensive, scented lotion which means chemicals, chemicals, and more chemicals. As a licensed Esthetician, I cannot stress the importance of keeping one’s skin healthy. To have healthy skin one must: drink plenty of good water (non-fluoridated), eat healthy foods like lots of organic green vegetables, get enough sleep, stay away from substances like alcohol and cigarettes. As well as have a good skincare routine. Healthy skin is balanced not too oily and not dry. To help keep skin looking its best we use lotion. But when you apply lotion to your skin, your skin is not only absorbing the moisturizing agents in the lotion but also the chemicals. Our skin is like a big sponge. It will absorb what you put on it. During my first pregnancy, I bought a special lotion that was supposed to prevent stretch marks…it did not! Don’t waste your money or time! Here is a much easier and cost efficient way to add moisture back to your skin. The best part is when you apply the healthy tips listed above, you will hardly need any lotion or “no lotion” lotion.


4 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil

1 Teaspoon of Jojoba Oil


1. Measure and add coconut oil to a small jar (preferbably glass).

2. Measure and add jojoba oil to jar.

3. Stir it up.

To Use:

1. Use a spatula to remove a small amount of oil onto your clean hands. With your body temperature, the oil will automatically melt and make it very easy to massage into your skin. Use as much as your skin will absorb. Start with less. If you massage it into your skin sufficiently you will not be a greasy mess.

Function of Ingredients

Coconut oil is a miracle worker. I’m not sure what coconut oil CAN’T do. It does everything! For our skin, it provides light-medium moisture and help repair dry, damaged skin. Coconut oil has healing properties as it is naturally antibacterial and anti-fungal.

Jojoba oil closely resembles our own natural oil called sebum. It is super light weight and will not leave you with greasy skin.

Ingredients to Avoid

“Fragrance” commonly found in all home and personal care products is a way manufacturers can hide over 100 ingredients under 1 name! If it doesn’t list out what they use for their fragrance, put that sucker back on the shelf and move on! Fragrances can cause allergies, respiratory effects, and skin irritation. Fragrance on labels are considered a trade secret so they don’t have to tell us what’s in it.

Parabens such as isobutylparaben, butylparaben, propylparaben, and methylparaben can all be found in lotion. Parabens can cause reproductive harm, endocrine disruption, immunotoxicity, and allergies.

Petrolatum or more commonly known as petroleum jelly is a widely used lubricant that creates a barrier to protect skin. It is banned in other countries because it is believed to be carcinogenic. It is found in so many beauty products including baby products. If you notice, lots of companies have started to put “petrolatum-free” or “no petroleum jelly” on their labels…if it is so safe why are companies taking it out of their formulations? The problem with petroleum jelly is that it can be contaminated with nasty chemicals that do in fact cause health problems with long term usage. Best to stay away!

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