
DIY Scented Play Dough

Posted by Jenny

Wednesdays are for play dough in our house. My three year old has started to ask what day it is and when I scream “Wednesday,” she screams back “Wednesday Playdough.” We sometimes use the store bought stuff. We try to make it together, but most times I make it before the kids get up so I can get ahead. We have tried about a hundred different recipes and have loved some and hated some. So we made our own and added some special colors and scents. This dough is super soft! This dough is actually better than store bought stuff and I know exactly what is in it!


2 Cups of All Purpose Flour

1/2 Cup of Salt

2 Tablespoons of Cream of Tartar

2 Tablespoons of Vegetable Oil or Coconut Oil

1- 1 1/2 Cups of Boiling Water (We add water until it feels like dough)

1 Teaspoon of Cocoa Powder

1 Teaspoon of Turmeric Powder

1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

1/2- 1 Teaspoon of Pumpkin Pie Spice*

or any other spices and/ or colors you would like to use.


Boil water. Set Aside.

In a bowl, mix together the flour, salt, and cream of tartar.

Add the oil to the dry mixture and stir.

Separate into 3 bowls. Depending on how many colors you want to make.

Add cocoa powder to one bowl (brown dough).

Add turmeric and pumpkin pie spice to one bowl (mustard dough).

Add vanilla to one bowl (white dough).

Add a little bit of water to each bowl and begin stirring until a dough forms. You may have to keep adding water if it feels dry. If you add too much water and it becomes sticky just add a little bit of flour.

Once everything is combined and your dough forms, remove from bowl and begin to knead for 2-3 minutes. If dough remains sticky just add more flour.

Keeps for a few months in an airtight container or bag.

Now you are ready to PLAY!

Get creative and use other natural ingredients to color and scent your dough. Next time, we will be trying BLUEBERRIES!

*If you don’t have any pumpkin pie spice, you can make your own if you have some other spices like cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and allspice.

Are you and you little ones sensitive to scents? Just omit the cocoa powder, turmeric powder, and vanilla extract. Still really fun dough!

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1 Comment

  1. DIY Marshmallow Pumpkin Pie Sensory Bin

    […] Pumpkin Pie Spice….you either love it or you absolutely hate it. I like it. lol I love to incorporate it into our sensory activities during the fall. Putting together this bin was lots of fun. Apart from the pie pans we had everything on hand. I picked up 2 packs of pie pans from the dollar store. I didn’t rotate my stockpile like I had planned and ended up finding a really expired bag of oats. That is what I used. It is very inexpensive. If you don’t like to use food for play, you can substitute it for something like pom poms, cotton balls, kinetic sand, or play dough. You can try my natural dough recipe! […]

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