
DIY Wellness Shake

Posted by Jenny

This is my all natural and organic protein shake that you can customize to meet your specific nutritional needs. I love this shake as a healthy meal replacement. I searched and searched just about everywhere for an all organic shake with no sneaky ingredients like “sugar” or “natural flavors.” I am not a fan of stevia and it was hard to find anything natural without stevia. I was not able to find one. Not ONE!

As always, I found the need to make my own. To my surprise, it wasn’t nasty or chalky. It tastes better than some I’ve spent big money on and those weren’t even organic. Each of the ingredients are considered superfoods on their own so combining them just makes this shake incomparable.

I hope you give it a try. Create your own. Use this recipe as inspiration.


1 1/2 cups of Purified Water, or Organic Almond Milk, or Organic Oat Milk (find the one with the least amount of ingredients or make your own “milk”)

1 Tablespoon of Organic Pea Protein Powder

1 Tablespoon of Organic Hemp Powder

1 Tablespoon of Organic Cacao Powder

1 Tablespoon of Organic Ground Chia Seeds

1 Tablespoon of Organic Ground Flaxseed

1/2-1 Tablespoon of Organic Maca Powder (start with less, then adjust as needed)

Optional: 1-2 Tablespoons of Organic Raw Honey or other Organic Sweetener


  1. Add water or organic milk to blender.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to blender.
  3. Blend about 20 seconds.
  4. Drink and enjoy.

Refrigerate any leftovers. Drink within 24 hours for best texture. The longer it sits the thicker it gets due to the flaxseed and chia seeds. FYI Flaxseed and chia seeds make a great egg replacement in baking! I keep my flaxseed in the fridge to make it last longer. Check your packaging for any recommendations.

Tastes great cold with or without ice. Use a spoon or straw to occasionally stir while sipping. Separation does occur.

If you purchase 8-12 oz bags of ingredients it should last you at least three months if you drink 1 shake daily.

The first couple of days the taste might not be the greatest but if you stick with it I promise it gets better! Just add more honey or sweetener and then just taper off. You will feel so energized and amazed knowing exactly what’s in your shake. Remember to use organic ingredients. Non-organic ingredients may contain GMOs, pesticides, and other nasties. Consider drinking water that does not contain fluoride. Fluoride is a neurotoxin. (Don’t worry, I will do a whole post on Fluoride). This drink has replaced my coffee. I am proud to say I am not a coffee drinker.

Benefits of Pea Protein

The pea protein is a great plant-based protein. High quality pea protein provides a smooth texture with a smooth flavor. It includes all essential amino acids making it a complete source of protein.

Benefits of Hemp Powder

Hemp protein contains all nine essential amino acids, plus fiber, healthy fats and minerals. Benefits of fiber include reducing appetite, helping with weight management, and stabilizing blood sugar. Hemp protein contains omega-3 fatty acids which improve the health of the heart and brain.

Benefits of Flaxseed

Flaxseed is full of health-protective antioxidants called polyphenols. These antioxidants are thought to protect against heart disease and cancer. Antioxidants fight premature aging.

Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are high in fiber, full of antioxidants, and also contain omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds are anti-inflammatory. Chia seeds also stabilize blood sugar so your sugar won’t spike and then cause you to crash. Chia seeds are great for weight loss as they curb your appetite.

Benefits of Maca Powder

Maca powder is my favorite ingredient in this shake and probably my favorite superfood. It give me insane energy and endurance for the day. It basically replaces coffee for me without crashing or sugar cravings. Maca powder contains flavonoids which are thought to improve mood and reduce anxiety. Maca powder helps with fertility in both men and women. Aside from being immune-boosting, Maca powder is also great for your memory and may improve brain function.

Benefits of Cacao Powder

Cacao powder contains polyphenols which are antioxidants. Again, antioxidants help fight off free radicals which cause premature aging. Polyphenols improve blood flow and blood supply to your brain. This helps reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Cacao powder may improve your mood and help with depression. Cacao powder is considered to be anti-inflammatory and also help curb appetite.

Additional add ins: power greens powder, beet root powder, ashwagandha powder, and goji berry powder. These are some of the additional powders I may add in from time to time just to change it up or if I feel my body needs something different.

There are so many options out there. Figure out what your individual body needs are and start mixing them up. Look up popular protein shakes and look at their ingredients for inspiration. You will start to see many of them contain the same superfoods. This wellness shake has helped me kick my coffee habit. It has also helped me maintain my weight. I do use it to replace one meal a day. If you wanted to lose weight I would recommend replacing two meals a day until you reached your desired results. Since I am avoiding gluten, soy, dairy, and sugar this has been a life-saver. I hope you have been inspired to make your own DIY shake and start feeling and living healthier.

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