
Placenta Encapsulation

Posted by Jenny

This is not a DIY, but you never know for the future I might just get some training and do it myself! Let’s talk placenta encapsulation. Hear me out! It’s not that weird… ok, it’s weird but let me tell you why you need to try it if you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant.

I would 100% recommend anyone with a healthy pregnancy and delivery to get their placenta encapsulated. PROFESSIONALLY. Again, this is not a DIY and I am just sharing my experience. What an experience it was. I would do it again for sure and If I had known I would have done it with my first born as well. If you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant add this to your ever growing list of things to read up on.

What is placenta encapsulation?

It’s having your placenta made into pills. Your placenta is an organ that your body creates during pregnancy. That’s right, aside from growing another human your body also grows a new organ! Your placenta is responsible for providing oxygen and nutrients to your baby as well as removing waste from baby’s blood. After you give birth to your baby, you also birth your placenta. Most mammals eat their placenta after delivery. Eating placentas has been done forever and that practice is called placentophagy.

Where do you start?

I started by reading other mom’s experiences and how positive they were. I asked my midwife about it and she referred me to a local business. I encourage you to ask your midwife or doula. Look up some local businesses and see what other moms are saying. Please take your time making your decision.

How does it work?

After deciding what business to use, you will contact them and they will most likely reach out to you. You will have a consultation and they will ask you health related questions for your safety. They will provide you with additional information and important details. After delivering your baby, you will deliver your placenta. Make sure you let your midwife, doctor, nurse, or doula know what your plans are so that they can properly store your placenta after delivery. Check the policies of the hospital or birthing center. If you are delivering at home, make sure your doula knows your plans. Mine was put in the fridge for two days and then a doula showed up at my home and she made magic! She sanitized my kitchen, began and completed the process in about two days. When she left my kitchen never felt so dirty but so clean at the same time. When I opened the fridge door, there was a glass bottle full of placenta pills that looked like they came from a factory…very professional. I had about a three month supply.

What is the process of placenta encapsulation?

Your placenta will be stored in your fridge unless other arrangements have been made. On the first day, your placenta will be drained of blood and steamed with lemon and ginger. After that it will be placed in a dehydrator overnight and then on the next day it will be ground up and placed in capsules.

What are the benefits?

The benefits include an increase in milk supply, balanced hormones, faster recovery from birth, less of a chance of developing postpartum depression, and increase in energy levels. I encourage you to reach out to other moms who have encapsulated their placentas and ask them what the benefits were for them.

What benefits did I experience?

I experienced all of the benefits listed above. I felt so upbeat, calm, and balanced. I do also attribute a lot of these positive feelings to having an all natural delivery. I felt so amazing. I was in a happy mood. I did not feel like I had just given birth. I was up and walking within a few days with no pain or discomfort. I was able to breastfeed my baby around the clock and not supplement with any formula! If I were to have another baby, I would definitely get my placenta encapsulated again!

What are the side effects?

Placenta encapsulation may not be for everyone. If you did not have a healthy pregnancy or delivery, placenta encapsulation may not be right for you. If you had any infections during pregnancy, some bacteria may be present in the placenta. Some women may experience nausea after taking the pills. I did not experience any negative side effects but every woman is different.

I will spare you the very special pictures of my placenta before it was encapsulated but I will share some of the art that was done using my placenta. I have it hanging in my living room. It serves as a reminder that I can do anything I put my mind to. I had a very traumatic birth experience with my first born. It was a three day ordeal. This time around everything was so natural and different. I had a supportive midwife and opted for an all natural delivery. I was able to labor at home and then go to the hospital and finish birthing in a tub. All of my wishes and demands were met for my baby. I was able to breastfeed my baby for 13 months. Compared to 5 months with my first. I hope you consider what is best for you and your baby.


  1. Research the topic.
  2. Talk to moms who have had it done.
  3. Talk to your midwife, doula, support person.
  4. Get a referral or look up businesses online.
  5. Make a decision.

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